Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Testing, Testing, Here Goes Nothing...

I suppose these blogs should start out with a statement of purpose, shouldn't they? As my sister, The Squirt, would put it, "You need to define your brand!" Which is as good a thought as any, even if it's a very obscure way of saying, "Figure out what the hell you're doing, and why you're here, idiot!" I will admit her way is a little shorter.


I am officially tired of being solitary, or semi-solitary, or whatever you would call someone with a like-minded husband and a few like-minded friends, but no actual group structure to fall back upon when the time comes to practice. (Oh, by the way, this is a pagan "brand").

I have been listening to podcasts, reading blogs, and generally lurking for over 6 months.

My handfasting, while fantastic and amazing, was a bitch and a half to plan and execute, and is now over. So I have no more excuses.

I do now pledge, given all of the above, to execute some kind of outreach or presence, every day, without fail, into the internet pagan community. It may be a lengthy blogpost (better titled as "Rant"). It might be something on Facebook, or a comment on someone else's blog. I will at least use Twitter when I am cheapening the hell out.

It's the beginning of August. I think...the New Year is a good ending point. Hell, it's when everyone else gives up on their resolutions, I might as well pop it into the plan.

Blessed Be :)

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