Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Will we get kitties tonight? I hope so!

Insects outnumber every other species by the thousands. Creepy, crawly, and potentially better evolved for the planet, it's something most people don't like thinking about.

So let's talk about kitties instead! I really wonder, if one were to county up the number of pagans, and the number of cats owned by pagans, would the cats outnumber us 10 to 1? Or would it be more like 3 to 1? For certain, for every pagan I've met who doesn't own a cat (Um, have I met any? There must be some out there. Astruar always struck me as dog people, really.) there are two or three who own several cats apiece.

Taun-taun and I are no exception. Some time ago, we started looking into fostering kittens, because we can't take anymore permanently. We want to do some volunteering overseas, and needing to rehome the thousand or so cats we would own if we could wouldn't be good for anyone. And then we backed off, because of Morpheus. Morpheus was my darling, grumpy old man of 21 years, and we didn't want to risk taking in potentially sick homeless kittens while his immune system couldn't handle it.

He's no longer with us, may he rest in peace. So we looked into it again, and got approved....and immediately moved. Not far, but far enough to have boxes everywhere and no clear space to set aside to keep Foster Kitties separate from Our Cuties while we weren't home. (Kali and Isis, we have a Pet Name Theme.)

Yesterday, we discovered a woman, a Cat Saint, who maintains nine lean-tos around our area for homeless cats. Drives around and feeds them, shovels paths, puts out bales of hay and blankets. Every day. One of the lean-tos is right next to our house, and we had no idea who was helping the cats (besides our friends, who live downstairs. They've been feeding them too.) She maintains a blog - - if you live in the Rochester, NY area. I immediately recognized her description of The Tiny Cat with Huge Balls, who we captured by accident one evening. He looks exactly like Kali, except for, erm, /cough/ difference. His name is Louie, apparently.

So Taun-Taun spent all night last night getting our bedroom ready for Foster Kitties! Call it the kick we needed. He's going to fill out some paperwork today, and soon, we should have some cute fuzzy bundles of love who haven't found their Forever Home yet. We'll take good care of them until they do.

I hope tonight! But I'll settle for next week.
Blessed Be and I Wish I Could Find My Camera Charger,


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